
AHA Leadership Summit: CARE COORDINATION DISCUSSION – Improving Patient Care and Transitions through Post-Acute Data Transparency

As value-based programs continue to gain dominance, healthcare organizations are realizing the importance of creating a collaborative partnership with their post-acute network – especially as it relates to improving patient care and reducing costs. Though the disparity between acute and post-acute EHRs continues to pose challenges in accessing live patient data among care settings, innovative […]

AHA Webinar: Improving Post-Acute Network Performance: How One Health System Reduced Readmissions with Post-Acute Data Transparency

As post-acute care (PAC) spend continues to rise and CMS moves forward with the new Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule, it is essential for hospital providers to take proactive measures in finding innovative, cost-effective solutions to meet future demands of healthcare. Yet, disparate EHR systems between acute and post-acute providers continues to pose challenges […]

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