St. Joseph’s Health System Reduces Readmissions, Saves $1.6M in First Year Thanks to Live Post-Acute Patient Data

St. Joseph’s Health System, a world-class health system serving New Jersey and the New York metropolitan area, participates in an MSSP Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and the Bundled Payment for Care Improvement-Advanced (BPCI-A) models for their Medicare patients. Along with participation in these value-based programs came the need to reduce readmissions from their growing skilled nursing facility (SNF) network. With no way to track patients’ day-to-day care and outcomes once moved from acute to post-acute care (PAC), they could only react to data gleaned from admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) feeds and claims. Current, actionable information to improve care collaboration and reduce readmissions was needed. With the implementation of Real Time Medical Systems’ live post-acute analytics solution, St. Joseph’s finally had a way to proactively meet readmissions challenges with an immediate line of sight to their SNF patients.