Skilled Nursing Facilities Improve PDPM Accuracy by Identifying Additional $PPD In Missed Coding Opportunities

In July 2019, Real Time launched PDPM Complete to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), in preparation for the industry’s largest payment overhaul, the Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM).
This full suite of Interventional Analytics tools were specifically designed to capture live resident documentation and provide intuitive analysis of key components within PDPM including, Initial Assessment analysis, live Interim Payment Alerts, managing length of stay by diagnosis, trending therapy minutes, average minutes per diagnosis, and more – ensuring SNFs had an efficient way to achieve accurate coding and receive accurate reimbursements.
Today, Real Time’s PDPM Complete solution is operating in over 1,000+ facilities nationwide. As the industry approaches year two of the new payment model, Real Time conducted an analysis of its customers utilization of its PDPM Complete solution to measure the success and accuracy in identifying missed coding opportunities to achieve accurate reimbursement and improved $PPD revenues for all the care they provide.